2024 EIR Conference - Call for Papers

The EIR is thrilled to announce the theme of our 2024 Regional Meeting! Join us from May 2-4

CFP - Deadline Extended!

We are extending the deadline for submissions by 1 week! Submissions are now due, via Google Form, on Monday February 12.

2024 Regional Travel Grant

In an effort to assist members to attend our upcoming conference, the EIR is offering one Travel Grant, valued at $300

Petition to Save Religious Studies at UNCG

On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, UNC Greensboro's Chancellor announced that several academic departments, including Religious Studies, were facing termination. The final decision to decide the future of the department is set for February 1, 2024. 

Leaders from the American Academy of Religion delivered a letter to UNCG's Chancellor and Provost today urging them to reconsider their plans. You can read it here

UNCG students and faculty have created petitions to fight for the preservation of this department "in recognition of the enormous value these [religious studies] courses have for both UNCG students and the broader community." 

Please consider supporting them and the larger mission of sustaining and protecting the academic study of religion.

If you are a student, you can sign the petition here: SIGN THE PETITION

There is an additional petition for faculty, which you can sign here: SIGN THE PETITION

AAR Regions Forum

As you put together your schedule for the AAR's upcoming Annual Meeting in San Antonio, we would like to extend an invitation to all members to attend the Regions Forum!

2024 Conference, Happening in Toronto!

The EIR is thrilled to announce that our 2024 Regional Conference will be taking place at the University of Toronto in Spring 2024.

2023 AAR Elections - Now Open!

Voting is currently open for several positions on the AAR’s Board of Directors, including Regions Director, Student Director, and Program Unit Director.

AAR Annual Meeting - Super Saver Rates

The AAR's Annual Meeting is happening this November in San Antonio, Texas! The Super Saver rates for registration expire July 27, so make sure to sign up soon!

Registration for the conference can be completed through the AAR's website. Be sure to also look out for other offerings and add-ons, including workshops and local tours!

Reading Religion - July Edition

The June edition of the Reading Religion newsletter was published recently. Reading Religion is an official publication of the AAR, and highlights new books and reviews from scholars across the academy. 

Reading Religion is always seeking reviewers for new books. Take a look through the complete list of Books Received here.

If you have a book or a review coming out soon, please let us know so that we can share it with the region!

CSSR Student Essay Contest

The Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) is currently accepting submissions for its annual Student Essay Contest.