In advance of our upcoming conference, the EIR is offering three (3) Travel Grants, valued at $300 each.
The EIR is thrilled to announce our new Regional Vice President. Damon Berry from St. Lawrence University is joining our Executive as of January 2023. For more information about Dr. Berry’s research, check out his profile on our ‘About’ page. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Berry to this new position where he is eager to support the EIR and its members!
With the AAR’s Annual Meeting just around the corner, the EIR wants to spotlight the work being presented by members in our region. Below are just a couple of highlights from the upcoming meeting
The EIR is thrilled to announce the theme of our 2023 Regional Meeting! Join us May 6-7 2023 at Queen’s University
Hosted by Northeastern University, the Sacred Writes Public Scholarship program is now accepting proposals for its 2023 cohort.
The EIR is thrilled to announce that our 2023 Annual Meeting will be taking place in-person this spring, at Queen's University (Kingston, ON) from May 6-7.
The AAR currently has a number of different grant opportunities, some of which have deadlines that are fast-approaching. See the list below
Join Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo this Friday for the virtual book launch of her newest publication
The Annual Meeting is just around the corner, and registration is now open for Mentees for the Have a Cup of Coffee Mentoring Program!
The AAR's Board has recently updated its Professional Conduct Procedures, and affirms its stance
- CFP - NSRN 2023 Conference
- Call for Participants
- Upcoming Webinar - Beyond the Professoriate
- Have A Cup of Coffee Mentoring Program
- EIR Member Note
- New Student Director
- EIR Virtual Gathering
- Explore "The Pleasure of the Dawn Chorus" Project
- Annual Meeting Travel Grants
- Call for Nominations on the EIR Executive